How long will it take to learn Italian? blog, Museum of Knowledge guidelines

Many language learners are keen to master their skills within a short time frame and the Museum of Knowledge team is often asked, how long it will take to learn Italian? Are there any magic formulae that can guarantee a speedier language learning experience?

Italian is a Romance language so it is safe to say that someone who has knowledge of Spanish or French may find the grammatical aspects of these languages similar to Italian. Equally, many words covering aspects of greetings and personal introductions look very similar in written text. Pronunciation of Spanish words versus Italian words as well as accentuation is very different between these two languages. However, for skills required for students who can write in Italian may be more easily acquired by a student who can also read and write in Spanish.

It is safe to say based on Museum of Knowledge tests, that a student who can already speak in Spanish will be able to grasp conversational aspects of Italian with five hours of weekly lessons within less than three months, whether these be  via online language courses or face-to-face. For those who are learning Italian from scratch without knowledge of another Romance language, Museum of Knowledge would estimate that good progress could be made within five to six months.

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