Museum of Knowledge, speak English, English grammar 14072017

Many Museum of Knowledge language learners wonder if there is a way they could speak English well without focusing on grammar. Well of course there are two ways people can learn English. The Museum of Knowledge suggests those who wish to learn how to speak English should decide whether they wish to merely speak English or to speak English well. It is worth noting that even a native speaker does not necessarily guarantee that every word spoken will be grammatically correct. The Queen’s English (British English) as it were can only be spoken correctly if the appropriate grammatical contexts and relevant terminology are also used.

The other point to take into consideration is that linguistic speech takes on different forms depending on the context. Speech can be either formal or informal.

For informal conversations one may be able to employ more colloquial speech patterns and certainly in more formal settings such as in business meetings or generally in the workplace, a more formal speech dialogue would require the employment of a wider scope of vocabulary and usage of correct grammar.

The Museum of Knowledge employs strategies that take into consideration the importance of grammar. To speak English is to speak it correctly whether formally or informally and the museum believes that grammar competency in the English language is essential for successful language learning.

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