How to Learn German without Travelling to Germany 21092018

How to learn German without travelling to Germany is a question often posed to the Museum of Knowledge team. It is not always feasible to go to the country of origin of a beloved language, and so language lovers may wonder: is it possible to learn German without traveling to Germany?

Residing in a country is often the best way to become fluent in its language, since language learners can converse with other German speakers readily. However, it is far from the only way. For example, one could join a language club. Not only does this enable German language learners to meet with other German speakers, but language clubs are also a great way to delve into German culture.

German language learners may also find a learning partner who is as committed to learning German as they are. Given enough hours of effort, it is entirely possible to attain fluency in German without ever having to travel to Germany.


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